About Good Soles
Good Soles is a grass roots nonprofit located in Charlotte North Carolina that provides steel toed work boots and non-slip shoes to men and women in need. The steel toed boots we give to our neighbors provides them the opportunity to get the jobs they need to provide for themselves and their families.
Where it all began
Jeremy Coffey, Founder & CEO
While driving on a routine type day in August 2016, I was waiting at a stop light to enter the outer loop of 277 near downtown Charlotte. There was no way I could have known that my life and my way of thinking would dramatically change in a moment. At the light, I met a man named Charles. Charles was begging on the median for spare change. I had no money. I happened to look at his feet and noticed his shoes.
They had holes in them and were badly worn. I happened to have a pair of Nike basketball shoes that I had worn only a handful of times during our recent church basketball league. Without a second thought, I realized this man needed new shoes. I know now that this was a true sign from God!
I called Charles over to my window and asked him what size shoe he wore, he answered "11". I told him "I have a pair of twelves, do you want them?" He then said "Are you sure? I told him I was sure. He replied"Yes, I'll make them work!" So we traded shoes right there on the street and exchanged "thank you's" and "God bless you". After I drove off, I could not stop thinking about how I could help more who needed proper shoes. I fervently prayed and ask God to give me direction. Several ideas came to my mind. The first was buying a few pairs of shoes each month and giving them out to needy people that crossed my path. Something kept prodding at my mind and at my heart, that more could be done to help unfortunate people other than a few pair of shoes here and there.
Finally, after doing some research, I realized while working in my professional job as a General Manager for a commercial cleaning company that steel toe boots were in high demand. For safety reasons construction companies and many distribution centers are requiring steel toe boots. That’s when Good Soles was born. I was so afraid to share this idea with people because I am not a person who usually comes up with great ideas. With my faith in God and knowing he is with me always, I finally shared this idea with my girlfriend and one of her friends. They loved the idea and said I should definitely keep looking into the ministry. Then I shared with our youth leader at Myers Park UMC and he loved it. So, we prayed over the idea.
The more I shared the more my passion grew and the more I knew this was something that our Charlotte community needed! Over the past five years, Good Soles has provided over 6500 pairs of steel toed boots and non slip work shoes to RunningWorks, Roof Above, The Relatives, 5th Street Ministries, Community Matters Cafe, Charlotte Rescue Mission, Hope Haven, Promise Resource Network, Wayne Brothers Construction pre apprentice program (which provides steel toe boots to students in the Kannapolis school system) and various other awesome individuals doing work in our Charlotte community.
Our Mission
To provide steel toe boots and nonslip shoes to organizations helping our neighbors in need transition out of homelessness, so they can get the jobs needed to get back on their feet and regain their independence.
Where You Can Find Us
Over the past five years, Good Soles has provided over 6500 pairs of steel toed boots and non slip work shoes to RunningWorks, Roof Above, The Relatives, 5th Street Ministries, Community Matters Cafe, Charlotte Rescue Mission, Hope Haven, Promise Resource Network, Wayne Brothers Construction pre apprentice program (which provides steel toe boots to students in the Kannapolis school system) and various other awesome individuals doing work in our Charlotte community.